Monday, January 31, 2011

Bedtime stories

Quick good night sketch. I decided not to watch the scary movie that was on tv tonight, because I would've looked like that all the time (and probably rest of the week too). Ok well, a lot more more scared and much less excited. I'm not a fan of horror stuff, even though I tried to so hard to be when I was younger. Once when I came from the living room my face all white, eyes big as plates and smothered shriek in my throat, my mom told me that, actually you don't have to look at those movies. At that time I didn't listen to her (and have life long traumas now.. Always always listen to your mothers!) but now I'm finally accepting the fact. There is nothing wrong with being a little afraid!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chloé girl

I saw the Chloé ad campaign pictures on this blog, and obviusly fell in love with the collection, as well as the beautiful pictures. And also got inspired last night (while recovering from a badly scheduled nap) to do an interpretation from it. So, sometimes not being able to sleep is not that bad after all.

Spring, are you coming soon?

I have to say, that I got maybe a little too excited about yesterdays hint of sun. I can't wait it to be spring already! Or, dare I say it, summer! To be able to wear high heels (not to mention sandals! In bright colours!) without the fear of secret ice lurking behind the corner, or to be able to just go outside without spending ten minutes in my little vestibule putting on my hard core winter gear, woolly socks, hats, snow shoes, scarves, baby polar bears, mittens, flare guns and to stop carrying a hot water bottle around like a purse.
Oh, I hope those days are soon here!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Jumping around in my new jumpsuit. I didn't know they are so comfortable! And mine is warm too, so I don't mind that the temperature dropped big time again. But at least the sun is shining a little bit, hi there! Haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been? Oh you've been at the south? That seems nice, but I sure am glad that you are back now, please stay here as well!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beauty on the fingertips

Voilà, my favorite nail polishes and perfume.
I like to use long lasting polishes on my little scratchers because I really don't enjoy doing my nails every day or so (I'm too impatient [or lazy] to do that; you can do basically nothing during the following half an hour! Just sit still with your hands in the air, or worst of all blow on them; it always makes me feel so silly). That's why I prefer the ones that don't fly away after the first time I do the dishes (not that I ever actually have to do the dishes, my boyfriend is the master of dish washing at our house, [lucky me] but you know what I mean) or put on some super difficult shoes.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Quick outfit post from Sunday, that I happily and eagerly spent at the office. Feeling kind of drained right now, and can't wait for next weekend. Ugh, I wish I could crawl into a pile of leaves and hibernate like a little hedgehog and stay there until the gentle spring sun would wake me up.. A girl can dream right?

Friday, January 21, 2011

No color, no goddess

I really wanted to do this outfit post in color, but something went wrong in the processing, and I was left with only this picture. Sadly the color was in fact that special thing which made this outfit interesting, because I was wearing turquoise and tomato-red together. That sure spiced up my winter frenzy of muted dark tones!
I would normally celebrate in my mind right now, because it is Friday, the best day of the week (I bet Fridays were in deed the days when all those Greek gods ate juicy grapes and had tons of delicious red wine while dancing and kissing around in their feather light white dresses that never get dirty) but I can't, because I will be working the whole weekend too. So no tranquil flower field fete for me tonight! Dreadful!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The basic of basics

Yes, yes, I get it, less is more in your wardrobe. But why do I feel (and I'm not the only one!) that there is definitely not much in my closet (as in, I don't need a separate room for my garments), but it hasn't miraculously turned into "more" yet. So my drawers are full, but I don't have anything to wear. To ease this pain, I've made an ultimate shopping list for myself containing only the quality basics that wont ever go out of fashion. With this list I will stand against the cruel temptation of sales and the evil luring clothes that are not just seemingly cheaper than usually (which can be an unresistable allurement on itself) but whispering my name under the piles of viscose, lace and cotton. And when I can't tell which one is the whispering piece, I have to buy them all and find out at home. And this is how I end up having tons of almost unwearable clothes, and not a single classic among them. Go me.
So as a number one on my new life changing list, is a simple white dress shirt with men's cut. Wow, what a surprise!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I thought Monday was a swear word

It seems to be Monday again. My oldest nemesis, we seem to be running into each other like all the time. It's just not funny anymore! Isn't there a cure for this madness?
And as you can see, my face is in its basic Monday mode, blunt. It could be mistaken for its close and friendly neighbor ethereal, but it sure is not that! So do not be fooled children.
Now, I'm just going to wish that this will be an amazingly fabulous week (and it will be, wont it?), and get another cup of green tea. You see, my mean weekly enemy, I am totally coping with you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

All about the hats

Hats, hats and hats. I'm more than delighted that they seem to be cool to wear again, yippee! Hands in the air! Whip it real good!
When I was little I used to wear all kinds of weird hats, caps, beanies, barrettes etc. Well I guess the nineties style had something to do with it, not to mentions the freezy, breezy, windyful winters. Even the lady next door said that she is always looking forward to seeing me just to get to witness my newest headwrap.
And now, after several years of wearing basically only supersize beanies, I have found real hats again, and I can tell you, our love is blossoming more than ever! I bought the one in the picture about a month ago, and seriously, I've taken it off only while showering. It totally is my prince in a matt brim (which totally is like and armor!). That brim protects my little eyes from snow, water (or when those two despicable things put their powers together and create the most evil irritator of all mankind; the slush) and all kind of weird things that are flying in the air out there. Depending on the time of the day, may they be navigating commuters, angry lunchboxes, stray cats in heat or just plain wet leaves. Anyway that thing is essential! Not to mention, how it cures all kind of dreadful-hair-weeks like magic (well, at least as long as you keep it on. If you are already suffering from mayhem in your hair, I suggest you do not take it off in any circumstance! That's an order!)
So, have I convinced you already that these things are the best weapon to fight the plain outfits of winter? Have I?

Friday, January 7, 2011

First outfit!

So there you go, my first outfit post! I was wearing a plain white chemise, with my mother's old gray knit and this cute turquoise belt I just bought from a vintage store last week. Aren't mother's closets the best? They are like a free vintage stores, and the best thing, you can just return the clothes when you are sick of them, brilliant huh?
So what do you think? I know, I know the picture isn't the best, you can't really tell the colors that well, but let's not be judgemental! That is the sugar on our already existing cavity, so let's stay away from the chocolate, at least for just this post, yeah?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The meeting

Hi there everyone! This is me, how lovely to meet you! And let me introduce you straight away to my brand new blog, welcome!
I must admit that I have been longing for a blog of my own for some time now, and as a new years resolution type of thing, here it is! So I'm exited about this, and about sharing a little bit of myself with you, the mighty internet.
Well, here you go, just a teeny weeny introduction post, and well get on with the outfits later.