Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pros and cons

Every now and then a girl finds herself in front of a big question. And I found myself facing it about a month back. I dared to ask myself; should I cut my hair?
I've had this dream of my hair going all the way down to my waist, and I've been growing it for few years now. And now, with only few inches left to reach the goal, I'm having an urge to cut it. I want an edgy hair!
Aah, but long hair, you might think, is so pretty and versatile and you look so nice and girly all the time. But the fact is it’s really boring. It just hangs there. Not to mention, that it’s getting a little too high maintenance. First of all, it gets stuck everywhere. I mean it, e v e r y w h e r e. Zippers, door knobs, other peoples arms, you name it, my hair is under it. Oh, and the wintertime mayhem! You have to wear all the scarves, and hats and sweaters, and jackets and hoods so my hair gets tangled in between and around, and I either have to tie it up or brush it for an hour after. And don't even get me started on the static hair part... And then there is also hair all around. Plus they are so long, that even if there is only one hair on the floor, it goes all the way from the bedroom to the kitchen (almost! I swear!) so it looks that there are dozens everywhere, and that I haven't vacuumed in months.
Ok, I think we are done with the cons. And the pros? Well, it does look pretty. And I do feel girly. And I can wear it on a ponytail, or a chignon, or braid it, or French braid it! So it sort of is versatile. Also, it’s kind of handy if you have to hide something on the front of you outfit, say like a bra strap, or spaghetti stain or un ugly detail of you shirt. Plus I really do loooove it.
So as you can see, this time the question is really giving me a hard time.


  1. I feel your pain sister, since I'm struggling with a similar problem. But here's what I think:

    Keep on growing it until you've reached your goal, it'll make you feel like you achieved something. Enjoy it for a while and then cut the edgy hair you've been wanting.

    That is my plan at the moment, though my goal is only to grow my hair so I can cover my boobs with it! :D


  2. Yay Kata! I'm so going to trust you and do that :)
