Thursday, June 30, 2011


A surprise summer flu caught up with me, and suddenly I found myself watching discovery channel at noon indoors, when a hot and beautiful day is floating around just behind my window. Doesn't that seem unfair, right? Well, this will pass and I will be better than ever soon, hopefully! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moderate heat wave

I've been treated with the best possible summer weather, warm (if it's too hot, I get cranky) and sunny (clouds don't bother that much, as long as it's not cold).  Even our Midsummer's eve was beautiful, it wasn't rainy and cold as the evil weather forecasters wanted to make us believe to screw our plans completely. Well, I had a great plan B party at the beach with lots of friends and friends of friends, so it turned out quite nice! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wonderful Alice

Ok I admid it, this happened already a week ago, but here we are writing about it now.. So, I went to see Crystal Castles for the first time! I guess the golden days of my listening to them was three years ago but, now I finally got a chance to see them live. I've been missing their gigs for whatever reasons before, but let's not get into that right now, it's not really important now is it.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the concert, even though I prefer artists that actually communicate with the audience even if I wasn't really expecting that they would. But they sure had a lot of energy, especially Alice here, and the crowd was dancing, jumping and screaming in a communal ecstasy. The atmosphere was really spectacular and most of all, sweaty!
And running into friends and having a drink afterwards while talking about funny paranormal stuff didn't hurt and made the night even more special.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kittens and rainbows

After yesterdays drama drama drama, this is a perfectly quiet but great Friday. Let's keep it that way!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ay ay

I got some wonderful news today. All the stress and hard work actually paid off and I got accepted into one of the art schools that I applied for few months ago. What a relief! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday stare

Surprise, surprise, the weekend flew away kind of fast again. This time the flesh on my weekend’s spine was made of dj gigs, family dinners and movies. And the blood that made the muscles move was heat, enthusiasm and laughter.
Luckily this is a good Monday, because I’m going to see one of my favorite bands tonight! And maybe getting a new phone finally too.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day of tears

As everyone who live in the real world knows, all good things must come to an end. And today was surely one of those days when I had to put my feet back on the ground and realize that too. If a week a go the airport was my best friend, today it sure was my worst enemy.
So, tears were shed and noses were running. I guess goodbyes are always hard.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I had a huge surprise waiting for me at the airport and after that it has been all party and celebration for over a week now! It's been about making flower halos, playing jenga, taking boat rides to have picnics on an island, shopping at flea markets, cute little babies, weird jewelry, baking cakes, cutting hair, sunshine, eating out, going for long walks and take some many pictures that you can't even count, spaniels, pink lips, lemon water, running in circles just for the fun of it, spotting yellow cars, posing, sand tornados, hiccups, finding out the difference between chantilly and whipped cream, crazy dancing, mime games, nail polish, unwanted tanning, grammar mistakes, random napping and giggling. So, fun.